Thursday, February 14, 2013

Arkansas - The Latest Battlefield in the War on Women

It is about to be very bad to be a woman that needs to get an abortion in Arkansas.

After Republicans won big gains in the Arkansas legislature in the 2012 elections, they’ve wasted no time pushing their anti-abortion agenda in the state. Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe (D) has already signed one new abortion restriction into law already, and he hasn’t specifically confirmed whether or not he’ll sign the other proposed anti-choice legislation in the works — including a radical “fetal heartbeat” bill that would ban abortions as early as 12 weeks of pregnancy.

But as RH Reality Check points out, the heartbeat bill could pass regardless of whether Beebe decides to support it. Under Arkansas law, a simple majority in the legislature can override the governor’s veto — so even if Beebe correctly concludes that the legislation is unconstitutional, the state senators who support the bill could vote again to override him. And, assuming that all of the legislators who have already voted in favor of the bill don’t change their minds, there are enough of them to assure its passage into law.

The Republicans cannot get their extremist agenda passed at any capacity at the National level but Republicans control the state governments of many states.  That is how they will force the country farther right, by chipping away slowly at the rights of women and minorities and the simple right to vote in the states.  Liberals and moderates need to stay vigilant.

Elections, no matter how small they may seem, have consequences.

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