Monday, March 25, 2013

Right Wing Comments: Palin Edition

Sarah Palin recently posted on Facebook, like all serious political people do, a response to the President visiting Israel last week.

Here is her post:

As always, one must listen carefully to what leadership says, or fails to say, in analyzing current affairs. During his trip to Israel, President Obama said, “It is not fair that a Palestinian child cannot grow up in a state of her own.” Of course, as people of good will we would like everyone to have the right of self-determination and God-given liberty, but we also have to ask ourselves what has been done to establish the circumstances necessary for that. It’s been observed that a Palestinian child cannot grow up “in a state of her own” because of Palestinian leaders’ decisions.

There seems to be nothing on the horizon to change the mindset of those who would raise Palestinian children to hate and be intolerant of Jews, Christians, and other “infidels.” Bottom line: until that changes and until the Palestinian people become genuine partners in peace with Israel, little movement towards peace can be made. This is tragic for all, including those Palestinian children being indoctrinated. I hope our President understands this and could acknowledge it so the public could better understand the conflict. We can’t be naive to the causes of this centuries-old plight, and we mustn’t fail to ignore the one-sided effort to finally bring peace to Israel.

In the meantime, pray for peace in the Holy Land.

- Sarah Palin

Any country that fires rockets on people within their own country which they are trying to make peace with, is not actually interested in peace.  Israel is not innocent in this fight.  She is right that it is a centuries-old plight, but it is more complicated than she could ever understand.  The President was correct when he said Palestinian children do not have a state of their own.  Palestine was erased off the map for Israel to exist.  It is a political and religious fight full of pride on both sides.  It is complicated and I am glad our President acknowledges that.

As always, the best part of something like this is the comments that follow.  Some are quite amazing in their ignorance and praise for someone who could not even say the name of a newspaper she read or a Supreme Court case she didn't agree with.

These are posted anonymously, and without names.  I won't even link to where I got them, but rest assured, they are all in response to this post by Palin, reposted on a right-wing blog.

  • Thank you, Governor Palin. You always say just what I'm thinking about the president. He is so rude to go to Israel and not speak to the officials in the Knesset and instead speak to the youth of the country... very likely going against the wishes of their parents.  He went over to Israel to try his sleazy hand at "organizing in the Alinsky/Chicago way".  We wish that it were you over there representing us in the American way - 100% standing with Israel.  Governor, please pray and consult with your family and run in 2016. We need you so badly. You are the authentic one.
  • Sarah needs to visit Israel and Gaza next week to meet with all the leaders of the region, staighten out the mess in a day or two, and take in some sight-seeing with her kids, too 
  • They are not Palestinians. They are Lebanese, Jordanians, and Syrians. Ship them back to their real native lands and leave the native Jewish land of Israel alone.  If Israel claimed that an iceberg in Antarctica was a holy Jewish site, then the Muslims would also claim that Muhammad talked about that site as holy to Islam. Islam has no claim whatsoever to Jerusalem. Islam claims it because Israel claims it. Palestinians (a made up people) have no claim to any part of Israel.  True peace is when the fake refugees of Lebanon, Jordan and Syria go home and Israel reclaims Gaza, Judea and Samaria. 
  • I applaud you for bringing any kind of Palin news forward here. If Palin isn't giving out a swift kick in the pants to the "elites", she's pouring out a soothing balm on the rest of us who recognize her as the leader of our patriotic and justice-loving heart. There is truly no one like her today. 
  • Thanks (website), yep, right to the core of the matter. Palin as laways is first a brilliant analytical thinker and then the thoughtful policy maker. The narcissistic Liar in Chief is neither one and everywhere he goes he either creates problems or accentuates those which exist already.
Emphasis mine.
  • Pity Obama doesn't have her backbone but then again Sarah doesn't hate Jews the way he does. 
  • Gov Palin the country needs a real choice in 2016 please run and please keep writing on facebook and consider writing an Op- ed 
  • If Obama read the Bible he'd know as Sarah said the conflict is centuries old but since he is delusional and thinks he's the Savior he will never understand the truth.
  • Peace is a great idea and will work in most cases. However, there will never be peace here until one side totally destroys the other. SORRY !
I hope she does run in 2016.  She is comedic gold.

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